The Patriot airplane, originally designed by Dave Goulet, has been flying since 1992. It originally flew with a Hirth engine and sported a slab type fabric covered tail section. I acquired the plane in 2000 and made some changes. It now sports a symmetrical airfoil tail section that is all aluminum and flies with the Rotax 912S engine. The fuselage is square aluminum tubing and gusset construction and is fabric covered. The wing has a built up aluminum spar and “D” cell with the rear 2/3 being fabric covered.
The Patriot is the perfect sport airplane with a 120mph cruise speed and a 35mph stall with two up. The roll rate is an amazing 180 degrees per second! With that lovely bubble canopy the visibility is spectacular!
The Patriot is a prototype and will be available as a very quick build kit in the near future. Delivery positions are available. Demo flights are also available for those who are interested.
Performance Handling – and Sport Aerobatic
The Patriot is truly a sportscar in the sky. It demonstrates impressive roll rates; 1600 fpm climb solo, and 1200 fpm dual. The airplane accelerates and decelerates rapidly, and is a pussycat to land, even in a strong crosswind. Stall characteristics are docile, and the prototype shows no signs of a wing drop in the stall. C of G envelope is wide, permitting easy loading.
Additionally, the Patriot is sport aerobatic when flown solo from the front seat – adding to the enjoyment for those times when you just want to cut loose.
The aircraft is easy and enjoyable to manage in flight.